At EDSP TV we are specialized at in-depth research and analyses of the major issues of our time and focus on technology, health, nature, climate and thus the future of us all. Our editors follow their own course, without commercial influence from in- or outside the organization.

We believe that journalists should not pretend to be 'neutral' or 'unbiased'. That is why our correspondents are open about their views and moral convictions behind their interpretations. And when the facts change, so do our opinions and articles. When we make mistakes, we admit them and correct them. We will make continuous efforts to improve ourselves and invite you to help us do so. In this way we continue to learn together, about ourselves and about the world in which we live.

Video publications

Aug 05, 2019

Why Burning Biomass Sucks

Burning Biomass causes nearly three times more CO2 and other emissions compared to gas and twice as oil and even more than coal.

Aug 5, 2019

Passionate @ Sustainability

EDSP ECO supports organizations that are responsible for actions to protect the planet, end poverty or grow prosperity.

Oct 5, 2017

Mexican Surf Wedding

EDSP TV, Cheekysurf Productions and the FilmSpeicherStudios crews created a special Mexican Wedding Music Video. 

Marloes van de Pol

has been editor-in-chief of EDSP TV since 2020 and is on the board of EDSP BV/Ltd. From 2008 to 2018, she taught Critical Thinking and Rhetorical and Writing Skills at the University of Applied Sciences/Hogeschool Utrecht and, among others, at the Faculty of Communication & Journalism.

Linkedin Marloes van de Pol

Jeroen Spaander

has been part of the editorial staff of EDSP TV since 2022 and has been our regular journalist and cameraman since 2019.

Linkedin Jeroen Spaander
EDSP TV camerateam: Marloes van de Pol en Jeroen Spaander

We have provided research or (video) content for the following organisations:

EDSP TV has delivered research and/or content for Reports, News Items and (Video) Publications released by the following organizations:

Algemeen Dagblad
Algemene Rekenkamer
Amnesty Nederland
Arnhem Direct
Arnhem Nieuws
Arnhems Peil
Arnhemse Koerier
Bomenbond (meerdere organisaties)
CheekySurf Productions
De Onderstroom Online
De Stentor
Een Vandaag
Gemeente Amsterdam
Gemeente Arnhem
Gemeente Horst aan de Maas

Hallo Horst aan de Maas
Horst Online
Hart van Nederland
Hilkensberg Nieuws
Klimaatcoalitie (meerdere organisaties)
Nationale Ombudsman
NOS Nieuws
NPO Radio 1 Nieuws & CO
NPO2 BNNVARA Opstandelingen
NPO2 De Hofbar
Omroep Gelderland Nieuws
Omroep Gelderland TV
OverBetuwe Nieuws
Provincie Gelderland
Raad van State
Regionale Energiestrategie
RTL Nieuws
RTV Connect